Barrier-free Basel
On this page, you can find out more about the following topics:
Getting around in Basel
Public facilities
Pro Infirmis offers a city map for people with disabilities that provides comprehensive information on mobility in Basel. It indicates which cafés and restaurants are wheelchair-accessible and where to find toilet facilities that are suitable for wheelchair users. It also contains lots of additional useful information for people with limited mobility.
Every tram has at least one low-floor entrance. The new buses are equipped with a fold-out ramp that can be used at most stops. BVB Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe and BLT Baselland Transport AG provide additional information and brochures concerning public transport for people with disabilities.
Which of Basel’s museums are wheelchair-accessible, where can you hire a wheelchair and where can you find guided tours given in sign language? For detailed information regarding the accessibility of public facilities and services for people with disabilities, please visit the website of Pro Infirmis.
Barrier-free group experiences and team events
Be it tastings, treasure hunts or tours – Basel offers a range of attractive events and experiences that are also accessible for wheelchair users. Get to know the city in a creative way as part of a group.
Group experiences
Team events
Outdoor adventures
Barrier-free walking trails
SwitzerlandMobility offers route descriptions for barrier-free trails that are also accessible to wheelchair users. Via the MyWay Pro app (only available for iOS), blind and partially sighted people can download an audio guide for the routes.
Wheelchair-friendly and barrier-free hotels
The following hotels and accommodation providers in Basel are either fully or partially wheelchair-accessible. As a guest at the DasBreiteHotel on the Rhine and the Hotel Schweizerhof, you can book the services of Hotelspitex (e.g. outpatient care, companions for walks and excursions, assistance or transport).
For detailed information regarding the accessibility of hotels, hotel rooms and toilets as well as the availability of disabled parking spaces, please visit the website of Pro Infirmis.