Barrier-free Basel

This is where people with disabilities can find information on the accessibility of hotels, museums and events, so that they can plan their visit to Basel in advance.
Getting around in Basel

Getting around in Basel

Public facilities

Pro Infirmis offers a city map for people with disabilities that provides comprehensive information on mobility in Basel. It indicates which cafés and restaurants are wheelchair-accessible and where to find toilet facilities that are suitable for wheelchair users. It also contains lots of additional useful information for people with limited mobility.

Car parks, WCs and ATMs

The map provided by ParaMap shows the locations of wheelchair-friendly toilets and wheelchair-accessible ATMs as well as disabled parking spaces in Basel (enter “Basel” in the search window).
Eine Luftaufnahme des Rheins und der Mittleren Brücke in Basel.


The Eurokey universal key gives you access to disabled-friendly toilets, elevators, lifting platforms and other public facilities.
Schalter der Tourist Information in Basel

Tourist information office

The tourist information office in the Stadtcasino at Barfüsserplatz is fully wheelchair-accessible and is a member of the OK:GO initiative. The Basel Tourism team will be happy to answer your questions regarding Basel’s tourist offers.

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Every tram has at least one low-floor entrance. The new buses are equipped with a fold-out ramp that can be used at most stops. BVB Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe and BLT Baselland Transport AG provide additional information and brochures concerning public transport for people with disabilities.

Ein Rollstuhlsymbol am Boden zeigt den stufen- und hindernisfreien Einstieg bei einer Tramhaltestelle an.
Euroairport EAP beleuchtet, Flughafen Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg


On its website, the EuroAirport Basel–Mulhouse–Freiburg provides information for passengers with disabilities.
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug mit Rollstuhlrampe

Car hire

Reserve a disabled-friendly car with Europcar, which you can collect from the branch located by the Swiss SBB railway station (by the Gundeldingen station entrance).
Luftaufnahme der Fähre 'Vogel Gryff' in der Mitte des Rheins.


The St. Johann ferry can be safely boarded with a manual wheelchair and pushchair on both banks of the Rhine. Rails are available for heavier wheelchairs.

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Boat trips on the Rhine

The Rhystärn is fully wheelchair-accessible. It has a lift on board that takes you to the various decks. 
There is also a lift available at the Schifflände landing pier (78 cm wide × 210 cm long, max. load 1125 kg).

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Which of Basel’s museums are wheelchair-accessible, where can you hire a wheelchair and where can you find guided tours given in sign language? For detailed information regarding the accessibility of public facilities and services for people with disabilities, please visit the website of Pro Infirmis.

Museum Tinguely

The museum regularly organizes guided tours for people with disabilities and provides lots of information in the form of audio descriptions and via sign language on its website.
Paul Klee, Glüht nach, 1939, Ohne Titel (Gefangen/Diesseits–Jenseits/Figur), um 1940, Zeichen in Gelb, 1937, Schlamm-Assel-Fisch, 1940, Mumom sinkt trunken in den Sessel, 1940, Vor dem Blitz, 1923 
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Sammlung Beyeler 
Foto: Mark Niedermann

Fondation Beyeler

On special guided tours given by the Fondation Beyeler, information on the exhibition is translated into sign language.

Augusta Raurica

Museum entry is free to recipients of IV invalidity insurance and a companion. The range of services extends from events for the visually impaired through to workshops and guided tours with sign-language translation.
Darstellerin auf der Bühne während einer Vorstellung im Theater Basel

Theater Basel

Here, people with limited mobility, visual impairments or hearing impairments can find all the information regarding performances at Theater Basel and the Schauspielhaus.
Gesamtsanierung und Erweiterung Stadtcasino Basel, Schweiz von Herzog de Meuron  Architekten, Basel, Schweiz, Casinogesellschaft, Basel aufgenommen am 19. Juli 2020 von Roman Weyeneth, fotografie roman weyeneth gmbh, Fotostudio Basel, Schweiz

Stadtcasino Basel

The Stadtcasino Basel is fully wheelchair-accessible and the seats in the stalls feature an audio induction loop.

City tours

The following public guided tour is also accessible to wheelchair users: Stories of Basel’s Old Town.

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Grosse durchsichtige Bälle des britischen Künstlers Monster Chetwynd während der Art Basel 2021 auf dem Messeplatz.

Large transparent balls by the British artist Monster Chetwynd during Art Basel 2021 on the exhibition square.

Grandes boules transparentes de l'artiste britannique Monster Chetwynd pendant Art Basel 2021 sur la place de la foire.

Grandi sfere trasparenti dell'artista britannico Monster Chetwynd durante Art Basel 2021 sulla piazza espositiva.

Grandes bolas transparentes del artista británico Monster Chetwynd durante Art Basel 2021 en la plaza de la exposición.

Art Basel

Every entrance to the exhibition halls is wheelchair-accessible. If you wish to hire a wheelchair, please visit the information desk in Hall 1 or Hall 2.
Flying Pole. Mario Español, Switzerland; Carlos Zaspel, Germany.

International Circus Festival Young Stage Basel

Every room is wheelchair-accessible. The Parkhaus Messe offers five parking spaces on the fourth floor for recipients of IV invalidity insurance. Tickets for wheelchair spaces can be booked via e-mail:

[email protected]
Die Basel Tattoo Militärmusik-Show in der Kaserne.

Basel Tattoo

Free wheelchair spaces can be booked via the Basel Tattoo Shop.

Swiss Indoors

The St. Jakobshalle offers partial wheelchair access. Disabled parking spaces and wheelchair spaces are available.

Longines CHI Classics Basel

The St. Jakobshalle offers partial wheelchair access. Disabled parking spaces and wheelchair spaces are available. Tickets for wheelchair spaces can be booked via e-mail:

[email protected]

Barrier-free group experiences and team events

Be it tastings, treasure hunts or tours – Basel offers a range of attractive events and experiences that are also accessible for wheelchair users. Get to know the city in a creative way as part of a group.

Group experiences

Chocolate tasting at Teufelhof 

The group experience is suitable for wheelchair users. The guided tour and the location offer barrier-free accessibility.

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Die ehrwürdige Vorgesetztenstube im Restaurant Safran Zunft Basel.

Curious and historic tales from Basel 

The group experience is suitable for wheelchair users. The guided tour and the location offer barrier-free accessibility.

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Adventure-filled scavenger hunt in Basel 

The treasure hunt routes are accessible for wheelchair users. Only the envisaged ferry trip has to be omitted.

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Team events

A journey into the world of Jakob’s Basler Leckerly 

Dieser Teamevent ist barrierefrei zugänglich.

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Chocolate tasting 

This team event offers barrier-free accessibility.

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Urban Art City Tour – Graffiti & Street Art

The tour is accessible for wheelchair users.

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Outdoor adventures

Outdoor adventures

Barrier-free playground

The play meadow by the Lange Erlen Animal Park is a modern adventure playground that is also accessible to children in wheelchairs.
Rollstuhl mit Eisgleiter auf der Kunsteisbahn

Going onto the ice rink in a wheelchair

The Margarethen ice rink provides skating blades that can be attached to the bottom of the wheelchair.

Barrier-free walking trails

SwitzerlandMobility offers route descriptions for barrier-free trails that are also accessible to wheelchair users. Via the MyWay Pro app (only available for iOS), blind and partially sighted people can download an audio guide for the routes.

Abschnitt des Wiesenwegs neben dem Fluss Wiese


The starting point for this route is the Badischer Bahnhof in Basel. The route takes in the Lange Erlen Animal Park, the causeway along the River Wiese and the open landscape in Riehen, making for a varied, unforgettable tour.
Person im Rollstuhl auf dem Bruderholzweg


The Bruderholzweg is a circular trail on a hill between two valleys in a beautiful natural setting and offers a pleasant change to the hustle and bustle of the city.


Green spaces, shady trees and orchards – the hike begins on the outskirts of Basel and leads through the green oases of the border region. A relaxing excursion into verdant surroundings, past colourful gardens and flower meadows.
Wheelchair-friendly and barrier-free hotels

Wheelchair-friendly and barrier-free hotels

The following hotels and accommodation providers in Basel are either fully or partially wheelchair-accessible. As a guest at the DasBreiteHotel on the Rhine and the Hotel Schweizerhof, you can book the services of Hotelspitex (e.g. outpatient care, companions for walks and excursions, assistance or transport).

For detailed information regarding the accessibility of hotels, hotel rooms and toilets as well as the availability of disabled parking spaces, please visit the website of Pro Infirmis.