Erasmo de Róterdam: el espíritu renacentista de Basilea
Was Sie erwartet
¡Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro fascinante recorrido por la época de Erasmo de Róterdam en Basilea! Acompaña a un actor en un paseo por las calles que una vez fueron recorridas por este destacado erudito. Descubre su influyente red de relaciones, sus escritos innovadores y su papel destacado en la historia intelectual europea. ¡Te espera una experiencia inolvidable, no te lo pierdas!
Accompany us on a fascinating tour around the Basel of the Renaissance, where Erasmus of Rotterdam’s spirit lives on. An actor will take you on a journey through time, visiting the streets and squares this legendary scholar once roamed. Experience his lively discussions, his inspiring encounters and his groundbreaking ideas that changed the world.
Immerse yourself in Erasmus’s vibrant network of contacts, which ranged from inquisitive scholars to colourful personalities and militant thinkers. Learn how his ideas still shape European intellectual history to this day and how Basel became an epicentre of intellectual life.
This tour promises not only a journey into the past, but also a thrilling adventure awash with discoveries and insights. Prepare to be swept away by the fascination of the Renaissance – we can’t wait to accompany you on this memorable journey.
Wednesday 6 pm - 7.15 pm
Saturday 10 am - 11.15 am
approx. 75 minutes
Meeting point
in front of the Erasmushaus, Bäumleingasse 18
Tour ending point
A minimum number of participants is required on this tour.