Behind closed doors
This tour will give you an insight into everyday life in an elegant patrician mansion in Basel and you'll find out more about its somewhat strange inhabitants. Accompany maid Emma Munzinger on her way to her new workplace in a well-off household in Basel.
Explorial Basel
Looking for an exciting outdoor experience where you can work with your friends to solve puzzles and have fun?
Jailbirds, butchers and elegant ladies
Basel, around 1850. Traugott and Irma von der Mühll would never have imagined that two escapees from the Lohnhof prison would drop in on the day of their memorial celebration for Uncle Friedrich. Be bold and embark on a different kind of walk - with the jailbird and his accomplice - through a part of Basel that has quite a lot to tell.
Cultura y placer en Alsacia – Excursión de un día desde Basilea
Descubre la encantadora Alsacia en nuestra inolvidable excursión desde Basilea a Colmar, el castillo de Haut-Koenigsbourg y Ribeauvillé. Sumérgete en un mundo lleno de descubrimientos culturales, belleza paisajística y placeres culinarios.
Historias del casco antiguo de Basilea
Acompáñenos en un viaje en el tiempo por diferentes épocas: apenas existe otra ciudad en la que los edificios del siglo XV y las obras de prestigiosos arquitectos modernos se complementen tan bien para conformar un paisaje urbano tan interesante como armonioso.
Historisches Museum Basel Musikmuseum
El histórico Lohnhof alberga la mayor colección de instrumentos musicales de Suiza.
Monthly tour of January "Vogel Gryff"
Vogel Gryff is the most important public holiday in Kleinbasel. The customs are still practised today. Once a year, the "Wild Maa" (wild man) travels down the Rhine on his raft and is received by the "Leu" (lion) and "Vogel Gryff" (griffin).
La magia de la Navidad en Basilea
Descubra la Basilea navideña y conozca viejas y nuevas costumbres de la época de Adviento.
Monthly tour of November "The Blue and White House"
You will have an opportunity to visit the Blaues Haus and the Weisses Haus, the former residences of the silk ribbon manufacturers.