The Museum Gang!
MUKS − Museum Kultur & Spiel Riehen
Baselstrasse 34, 4125 Riehen
Are you in?
Are you looking for a place where you can contribute your ideas? Do you think MUKS is a cool place? Are you looking for other children who also want to take part in activities together and decide for themselves? Then we're probably looking for you!
What exactly we will do in the gang also depends on your ideas. Whether it's helping to design part of an exhibition, planning an event, developing a gang greeting or keeping a gang diary - fun is included! The gang meets every two weeks outside the school vacations. A small snack is included.
With Miriam Cohn and Julie Eigenheer.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
What exactly we will do in the gang also depends on your ideas. Whether it's helping to design part of an exhibition, planning an event, developing a gang greeting or keeping a gang diary - fun is included! The gang meets every two weeks outside the school vacations. A small snack is included.
With Miriam Cohn and Julie Eigenheer.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.