May Be It's All a Big Mistake
Galerie Mueller
Rebgasse 46, 4058 Basel
Our current exhibition "May Be It's All a Big Mistake" refers to a series of shows by Swiss curator Jean-Christophe Ammann in the 1980s at Kunsthalle Basel.
Our current exhibition "May Be It's All a Big Mistake" refers to a series of shows by Swiss curator Jean-Christophe Ammann in the 1980s at Kunsthalle Basel. On display are 34 works from this seminal period. The exhibition title is a quote from an invitation card by the artist Rut Himmelsbach from 1985. Ammann's exhibitions such as Artists from Basel (1981) played a central role in the careers of artists like Miriam Cahn, Rut Himmelsbach, Alex Silber and Vivian Suter. Also part of the exhibition is a representative group of works by Werner von Mutzenbecher as an advocate of an older generation - Ammann showed him in a solo exhibition in 1981 - and Silvia Bächli, whose works were exhibited by Ammann in 1987. In addition, the exhibition includes works by Martin Disler from the late 1970s, whose progressive voice left its mark on the Swiss art scene of the time like no other.
With works by Silvia Bächli, Miriam Cahn, Martin Disler, Rut Himmelsbach, Werner von Mutzenbecher, Alex Silber and Vivian Suter.
With works by Silvia Bächli, Miriam Cahn, Martin Disler, Rut Himmelsbach, Werner von Mutzenbecher, Alex Silber and Vivian Suter.