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Jean Daniel Piguet
Zwei Theaterszenen untersuchen, wie sich die Gewalt unserer Vorfahren auf unser heutiges Leben auswirkt.
Son : Can you say very clearly "Arnaud, I give you your life back".Mother : Yes, of course, but I'd just like to know what that means for you. Because I'm not going to abandon you. You see? What does it mean to "give you your life back"?Son : I've always had my life.Mother : Yes.Son : We've always had separate lives. Of course we're full of things, full of molecules, but we each have our own life.Mother : Yes.Son : Do you agree with that?Mother : Of course.Son : Well, if you agree, you just have to say so. To say “Arnaud -”Mother : “Arnaud -”Son : "I agree with that."Mother : "I agree with that."Son : And so...Mother : And so... I'm letting you have your life. Is that what pleases you ?In seinem Showing präsentiert der Residenzkünstler ...